The History of Railroads in Palisade, Colorado ![]()
The newest publication from the Palisade Historical Society is a 40-page booklet by Matt Darling with photos and information about the fascinating story of the significant impact the railroads had on the growth and prosperity of Palisade. Every detail is discussed from the fact that the railroads did not go through Palisade until 1890 up to modern trains of today. The booklet is based on two programs which Matt gave for the Society.
Matt is also the Curator of Cross Orchards historic site of the Museums of Western Colorado and the museum’s railroad historian. The booklet’s printing was underwritten by the Rio Grande Federal Credit Union, a member owned, not for profit company whose original members were railroad employees.
The suggested donation is $15 with a $5 discount for Historical Society Members. Use the contact link on this website, or call (970) 812-3064 for credit card payment options. We will also accept a check payment mailed to Palisade Historical Society, PO Box 631, Palisade, CO 81526. Or stop by the Palisade History Museum for a copy.
This History of Railroads booklet is also available in Palisade at Harlow Gift Shop – 109 West Third Street, and the Palisade Chamber of Commerce – 305 South Main Street. In Grand Junction at Out West Books, and the Museums of the West Gift Shop, and in Fruita at the Lithic Bookstore & Gallery.
The History of Fruit & Wine in Palisade, Colorado 
This is a 36-page booklet with cover photos courtesy of local photographer Jim Cox. There are also historic photos and information about how Palisade has grown the best tasting peaches in the world for over 125 years! There is also chapters on notable inventions, as well as the more recent history of the wine industry – which includes grape growers and wineries. There is also a four page timeline of key events.
The suggested donation is $15 with a $5 discount for Historical Society Members. It is also available at Harlow Gift Shop and the Chamber of Commerce in Palisade, and Out West Books, and the Museums of the West Gift Shop in Grand Junction, as well as Lithic Bookstore & Gallery in Fruita.
Historic Palisade Coloring Book
The Historic Palisade Coloring Book has over 20 illustrations by local artists Melanie Kerrigan and the late Ron Jaynes, and Illinois artist Sarah Walker. It contains interesting information about Palisade history and peach harvest activities, including orchard hoopies and historic locations like the “Roller Dam” in DeBeque Canyon.
Now in its fourth printing, the Historic Palisade Coloring Book is provided free to second graders at Taylor Elementary and six other elementary schools, thanks to generous donations from area Rotary Clubs. It is available at the Palisade History Museum, Varaison Winery, Nana’s Fruit and Jam Shack, Harlow Gift Shop, Palisade Chamber of Commerce, and Colorado Cellars Winery in Palisade. Also, Out West Books and the gift shop at the Museums of the West in Grand Junction, and Fruita’s Lithic Bookstore & Gallery carry the Historic Palisade Coloring Book. It is available for a $5.00 suggested donation to the Palisade Historical Society. Since 2011, over 2,000 students have received copies to share with their families.

The “Roller Dam” by Melanie Kerrigan

Loading fruit in refrigerated cars by Ron Jaynes
The History of Irrigation in Palisade and East Orchard Mesa, Colorado 
A 32-page booklet with photos and information about the history of irrigation water in the Grand Valley was created as part of the Palisade Historical Society’s celebration of the 100th birthday of the Grand River Diversion Dam, known as the “Roller Dam” in June 2015. The official congressional dedication of the Dam was June 29, 1915. This booklet highlights the surprising history of several irrigation projects, including many early projects which failed.
Though it began in 1897 and took nearly 20 years to complete, the Grand Valley Project, which became the Grand River Diversion Dam and Government Highline Canal, is the successful solution to turning the Grand Valley into one of the most productive agricultural regions in Colorado and the Intermountain West. The Dam is located eight miles east of Palisade in DeBeque Canyon, and the Government Highline Canal stretches from Palisade to Loma, delivering irrigation water to the Price Ditch, Stub Ditch, and two canals on Orchard Mesa.
Copies are available for a suggested $15 donation, or $10 for members from the Palisade Historical Society at the Palisade History Museum, or use the contact page on this website. Or you can purchase them at Harlow Gift Shop and the Chamber of Commerce in Palisade, and Museums of Western Colorado Gift Shop, and Out West Books on Main Street in Grand Junction. In Fruita, Lithic Bookstore & Gallery carries copies all of our publications for sale.
Coal Mining in Palisade, Colorado
This 24-page booklet of photos and information is based on Principal Writer/Researcher, Bennett Young’s programs presented for the Historical Society and additional research.
It has become the primary resource for everyone who wants to learn more about Palisade’s coal mining past and the important role it played in the Town’s development.
Copies are available from the Historical Society for a suggested $15 donation, or $10 for members. Or, you can also purchase it at Harlow Gift Shop and the Chamber of Commerce in Palisade. The Museums of the West Gift Shop and Out West Books in Grand Junction carry copies, and in Fruita, the Lithic Bookstore & Gallery has Palisade Historical Society publications for sale.
Both the Coal Mining and Irrigation History booklets are used as textbooks at Palisade High School.
Walking Tour brochure is also an e-Book!
The popular printed Palisade Historic Walking Tour brochure has been updated and is also available as an e-Book. Simply go to Kindle Books and use your Amazon account to download it to your tablet or cell phone. The cost is $2.99 and proceeds benefit the Palisade Historical Society.
This project was inspired by historical Society member and volunteer Gayle Madden who has worked tirelessly on a number of Historical Society projects. Kent Brown, author of several e-Books, including Palisade, Colorado (2016) Hints for the Hurrying Traveler, volunteered his knowledge and electronic publishing skills to make the brochure a reality.
“This e-Book technology puts Palisade history in the palm of your hand to use when it’s convenient,” Brown said. “e-Book technology and historical walking tours are a perfect pairing.” he added. He also explained by double tapping a graphic, you can zoom in and move around to see more details. There are also active links to web-based archives which expand information if the walker chooses.
The e-Book version includes Lisa Harmons’ original artwork, and much of the text created for the printed version – which is still available in the holder below the Historic Downtown Palisade Sign on 3rd St. between Main and Kluge Ave. and at the Palisade Chamber of Commerce and Palisade Branch Library in Palisade. The electronic version includes additional photos as well as a summary of Palisade history at the end of the 42 buildings and stops highlighted in the book.
Peaches and Politics in Palisade, Colorado
A Town Shaped by its Canals, Roads and Bridges
A comprehensive history of Palisade’s unique agriculture and development written by a Palisade native who passed away in 2020. Among the many features in this wonderful reference are facts about the Town’s early development with maps, plats and photos, the history various roads and bridges, Palisade area schools, Palisade Mayors from 1904-2009, and details about the area’s irrigation canals.
This book is available from the Palisade Historical Society for a suggested donation of $16.00. Stop by the Palisade History Museum or send a check, payable to the Palisade Historical Society, to P.O. Box 631, Palisade, CO 81526.
Colorado Peaches and German Prisoners of War
by Ron Jaynes
The late Ron Jaynes wrote this 16-page manuscript in 2008 after interviewing people who worked with German Prisoners of War in the summers of 1944 and 1945. The POWs lived at the former Civilian Conservation Corp. Camp in Riverbend Park south of town and were essential to harvesting peach crops during the labor shortages of World War II.
This October 2010 edition, which was used as a textbook by a Grand Junction High School history class in 2019, is exclusively available from the Palisade Historical Society for a suggested donation of $5.00. Send a check, payable to the Palisade Historical Society, to P.O. Box 631, Palisade, CO 81526.
The Government High Line Canal Newspaper Article Archive 1904-1910
While researching photographs to commemorate the 100th birthday of the Grand River Diversion Dam’s 100th birthday, a 100 year old scrapbook was uncovered with newspaper clippings about the project and other early irrigation systems.
Volunteer Dr. Hugo Madden worked for three months digitizing, editing, and enhancing the scrapbook into electronic files to archive this amazing find.
These articles, originally in a scrapbook stored at the Grand Valley Water Users’ Association, give you insight into the people and politics which make our life-giving irrigation systems possible.
The result is a 400-page bound edition and a CD or thumb drive which allows you to search. In addition to the articles, there are photographs, a detailed table of contents, and production notes.
For a suggested donation of $25, you can get the 400-page book and the CD or a thumb drive from the Palisade Historical Society. The CD or thumb drive only is available for a $10.00 suggested donation with postage and handling. You can also order just the book only from Search in Books with the title, “The Government High Line Canal Newspaper Article Archive.”
The Maddens have graciously donated royalties from the publication will benefit the Palisade Historical Society.